Easy Party Meatballs

Simple to put together for a tailgate or cocktail party appetizer. This is so easy it will allow you to get on with preparing for the rest of the party!


  • 1 bag frozen pre-made party meatballs
  • 1 bottle of Asian sweet chili sauce (Mae Ploy brand) or else substitute equal parts of grape jelly and Heinz Chili Sauce
  • Garlic powder, to taste


In a crockpot, add your desired quantity of prepared meatballs — or just dump in the whole bag for a larger party. Sprinkle with garlic powder and pour the sweet chili sauce over the top. Turn on the heat and let it go. Stir occasionally just to combine ingredients as they are cooking, but be careful not to break up the meatballs.

Serve with toothpicks and this is just about as easy as it gets.

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