
One of the joys in my life is all about cooking and entertaining. It’s where I find my peace and it is truly my passion. When I am researching or preparing food, I can escape from my business and the challenges of daily living.

It began when I was very young, because our mother was not a very good cook. Cooking skills escaped her, but I am grateful that they were passed-on to me — because it is truly in my genes!

My sister, April, was closest to me in age, and she & I would offer to prepare meals. We were just kids — I was pre-teen, and April was an early teenager. Mom thought it was sweet that we were offering to help — little did she know it was all about survival — because anything April & I could make would be better than mom’s. We found inspiration in the Betty Crocker basic cookbook and also The Joy of Cooking book.

April and I shared recipes over all the years, and I miss her so much. I can remember her reading me the ingredients over the phone for a new recipe she discovered, and I cherish many of those hand-written notes. My oldest sister did not get the cooking gene either — which she will freely admit! Haha.

Over a lifetime, I have collected hundreds of cookbooks — not to mention the unlimited online resources we now have available. Some recipes I prepare, verbatim, because they are just SO GOOD, as written, but many times I will just pick up inspiration or an idea to add to my collection of knowledge.

In the beginning, cooking shows were available on PBS stations — and I started watching Justin Wilson, Nathalie Dupree, The Galloping Gourmet, Julia Child and anything I could watch — way before The Food Network and Cooking TV. I would record shows on my VCR or BetaMax to save and watch later.

I receive inspiration from so many sources, but I have to say that Ina Garten is my hero, and you could use ANY recipe she publishes without hesitation. She always says not to make a recipe for the first time when you are having company, but any of her recipes (or mine!) you could absolutely do for the first time without any hesitation.

Most of my recipes or ideas have come from a lifetime of trial and error, until I have it just the way I think it should be. One of my favorite Ina quotes is, “put yourself in the way of inspiration.” I hope you enjoy my blog, and find your inspiration in these pages. With Love, Buddy.

24 comments on “AboutAdd yours →

  1. I am so happy that you have finally found some time to spend sharing your passion for cooking. Over the years, trying your meals that you have so lovingly made, to see it come together, is a joy.

  2. We’re so happy for you, Buddy and excited to follow you on your Blog. Lots of love from the Park girls.

  3. This makes me insanely happy and excited there is a blog for Buddy’s awesome home cookin! Looking forward to reading this and attempting to recreating perfection 🙂 Congrat! I hope there will be videos!!!!

  4. I have become a better cook because of you. Merely telling me not to be afraid to step out of the box that sunny day on the dock in GTC

  5. Congratulations on doing what you love! I love to cook for myself and those who dare try my food!

  6. I need all of April’s recipes.
    I have a few and a few I’ve tried to figure out.
    I loved her artichoke dip recipe & have tried many but it’s just not hers. Love ya Buddy….Leigh

  7. So proud of you, Little Brother!!! I may not have gotten the cooking gene, but I can craft a beautiful table setting!!!! Every single thing you have ever cooked has been scrumptious, the world should be rejoicing you are sharing your secrets with them. Love you so much. XOXO

  8. I’ll look forward to this si much. Your Mom brags about my cooking.. makes my mouth water. I hope to get to Do to visit your Mom this winter. Would love a real taste test . I have such fond memories of you and April.

  9. I am so excited for you! Momma always said you were the best cook!! It is so nice that you can enjoy your passion and take time for yourself! Looking forward to some yummy recipes! 😘

    1. Miss your momma so much — she taught me a thing or two also! Our memories live on forever, and we can pass them along through these recipes and passing along traditions 🙂

  10. Excellent outlet for you Buddy, being as busy as you are. Always so enjoyed when you would prepare a dish and bring it to the office. Everything you prepared was always delicious! Yes, you were definitely born with the ability to cook and entertain, miss those days! Still have a few of your recipes.

  11. Hey Buddy, this is so cool, you are multi talented. Can’t wait to share some meals with you again.

  12. Well I will say you make people so happy. The warmth of your gatherings along with the food is a magical experience. Laughter, love and happiness surrounds you. And You love what you do! Thank you my friend! Till next time we get together.

    1. Thank you, Pat! It’s always a great time when we get together — can’t wait until you are down visiting again 🙂

  13. Can’t sleep at night these days, 1:30am, decided good time to retire from job and look who I found! Someone else I already knew had a passion for cooking! I can’t wait to follow and try some of your recipes! Xoxo

    1. Lynn! Oh my gosh, I miss you so much! I love sharing my time-tested recipes here, but it’s sometimes hard to find the time to get the content and pictures posted. Virtual hugs!

  14. What an awesome story Buddy! I can definitely attest to April’s cooking skills, even from an early age. Beautiful tribute brother.

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