Cole Slaw – quick

Cole Slaw – quick

This is an entry in the “pick your battles” section of my cookbook, where I feel like it is fine to use prepared ingredients rather than making everything from scratch.

I love to spend hours preparing a meal from scratch, which I think gives you permission to take a short-cut here and there.


  • 1-2 bags of prepared cole slaw mix
  • 1/2 to 1 jar of prepared cole slaw dressing (such as Marie’s)

Mix 1/2 jar of prepared dressing with each bag of cole slaw mix — depending on how many you are feeding. Add a little salt & pepper, sugar or vinegar at the end if you wish, but I find the Marie’s dressing is JUST RIGHT and nobody needs to know you didn’t spend hours preparing.

TIP: make this a few hours ahead, and do not add too much dressing. The mixture should appear somewhat dry, at first, because more juices will develop as the ingredients combine with each other in the refrigerator.

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