Buddy and Paul are proud to announce we’ve had some of our recipes published for the first time in a collaborative digital cookbook. This cookbook was created @the_chefsisters and available at https://thechefsisters.com/shop/ols/products/cooking-up-life
Debuting today for only $5.99, this cookbook contains 15 recipes from fellow home chefs & cooks including our friend @jennifertinn. 100% of the proceeds benefit the James Beard Foundation Relief Fund for independent restaurants who are trying to mitigate the effects of Covid-19 on their businesses.
If you’d like to support our efforts and get some great recipes for you & your family please consider purchasing cookbook now! We need & love our neighborhood – independent restaurants! #jamesbeardfoundation #digitalcookbook#ecookbook #homechef #homecooking #relieffund @ Orlando, Florida
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